Sunday, December 21, 2008

Broncos #1 Fan

All of my family is either from Colorado or are Colorado natives and this means that my whole family is big Denver Broncos fans. When we had Haylee, my aunt sent this Broncos outfit for her and I decided to pull it out today and put it on Brooke. I thought it was fitting considering the football season is getting close to being over and because my husband hates the Broncos. So are a few snapshots I took of Brooke in her Broncos outfit. She is now their #1 fan and now we just have to convince my husband to become a fan. He might want to consider trading teams if we decide to move there when I am done with school or else I think he is going to be out of place.
Brooke was watching a football game on the t.v. even though it was not the Broncos game.
I just liked this picture because it looks like she is concentrating really hard on trying to crawl.

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