I am pretty sure every time I blog, I talk about how I should blog more but I just don't. I keep saying I will get better about it and it has now been 5 months since I last posted. So I am going to attempt to catch up within the next week and then hopefully I will get better. Although, I am making no promises. Anyways.....Spring is in the air! Which means our already busy lives are only going to become busier. We always have so much more going on in the spring and summer than we do any other time of the year that I will have lots to blog about for the next couple of months. On to the updating.....Haylee did soccer this spring, and although I know she had fun with it, I think I enjoyed it more than she did. Brooke even got into it! But now that soccer is over, Haylee has been bugging me to let her do dance. I will have to think a little harder on that one.

After we closed on our house, we decided we could move on with our lives and start buying some things we knew we had wanted to buy but had to wait for since we were in the process of buying our house. So we bought 4-wheelers for the whole family. They were supposed to be a Christmas present but came just a little late. The kids love riding around on their little 4-wheeler and I have to admit I really enjoy having one of my own too! Now that we have dangerous toys in our house, I proceeded to buy life insurance policies for the whole family as well.
Haylee finished up preschool in the middle of May and I don't think Haylee will be the only one missing it. Haylee had a great teacher that made this year fun and memorable for our whole family and we will truly miss having her as a teacher this next year. But Haylee is very excited to be moving on to K-4 and experiencing a new teacher and classroom. So that pretty much covers anything major that happened within the months of January through the middle of May. Now on to doing posts for the last month or so.....